Saturday, June 20, 2009

Open Wide and Say "AHHHHHH!"

I've finally become egocentric (and lonely) enough to believe that others might willingly stop their own lives and read some of the random thoughts I have during the day. Deciding to start a blog is kind of like when I gave in to wearing capris. It was only a matter of time. I fought it, but capris and blogging stuck around long enough to begin to look normal. It doesn't help that I'm a recovering teacher turned stay-at-home mom with a predisposition towards being critical who spends approximately eleven hours of each day with small people who cannot yet appreciate my opinions or sarcasm. Yes, pity my husband who has to talk to people all day only to come home and have to drink from a firehose when he asks how my day was. So, to save my sanity and my marriage, I will use this blogging medium as a whipping boy. Keep in mind as you read that I don't claim to be an expert on anything. I realize all of the time just how little I know and how thankful I am that I waited just five more seconds before I opened my mouth. Maybe as I type, I can unload and still have a chance to think before I "speak." Okay. Firehose loaded. Open wide.

1 comment:

  1. Not that you need my approval or comments. Only God could have created a mind like yours with thoughts so amazing! I am glad you surrended to blog writing! Like you I have never been that wild about Capris. I think they have one purpose and that is to KEEP US COOLER!

    You are in your Element here! Your words flow perfectly like we hope an effective firehose does for those in need. I Love your Firehouse analogy! It really does go along with the average woman speaking at least 75,000 words a day...Note this, I will do my best to NOT try to be a firehouse in the comment section...
